大扫除吉日Auspicious Day for Spring Cleaning CNY 2023

今日通胜 Almanac

2023 大扫除吉日Auspicious Day for Spring Cleaning 2023

每年年终,华人住家、公司、组织都会在冬至后至除夕前择吉日大扫除,除旧布新迎接农历新年。择日最主要是选不冲一家之主或老板的属肖。 大扫除前先上香祭拜禀告神靈、祖先「要開始大扫除了」,請诸位神灵、祖先暫離案桌。 大扫除的次序是由上至下 、由高至低、由内至外。全家大小齐心协力、分工合作。大扫除完毕也再次上香禀告诸神灵祖先归位。

After Dong Zhi, Chinese houses, companies and organizations will pick an auspicious day before Chinese New Year Eve to do spring cleaning. The most important rule for picking the auspicious day is to choose a day that not inauspicious for the zodiac sign of the head of the family, company or organization. Before spring cleaning, the in-house deities and ancestors have to be informed through the making of offerings that the spring cleaning is about to start, and that They should leave the altar for the time being. For the spring cleaning, it is best to get all family members involved. The cleaning should proceed from top to bottom, from high to low, and from inside to out side. When the cleaning is finished at the end of the day, offerings should be made to the in-house deities and ancestors to invite Them to return to Their altar.

2022-12-23(星期五)农历十二月初一 肖龙勿用 Inauspicious for Dragon

2022-12-26(星期一)农历十二月初四 肖羊勿用 Inauspicious for Goat

2022-12-29(星期四)农历十二月初七 肖狗勿用 Inauspicious for Dog

2023-01-03(星期二)农历十二月十二 肖兔勿用 Inauspicious for Rabbit

2023-01-06(星期五)农历十二月十五 肖马勿用 Inauspicious for Horse

2023-01-08(星期日)农历十二月十七 肖猴勿用 Inauspicious for Monkey

2023-01-09(星期一)农历十二月十八 肖鸡勿用 Inauspicious for Rooster

2023-01-11(星期三)农历十二月二十 肖猪勿用 Inauspicious for Pig

2023-01-12(星期四)农历十二月廿一 肖鼠勿用 Inauspicious for Mouse

2023-01-17(星期二)农历十二月廿六 肖蛇勿用 Inauspicious for Snake