保生大帝诞 Birthday of Bao Sheng Da Di/God of Medicine

神明介绍 Deities & Gods

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保生大帝(闽南话:Pó-seng tāi-tè),俗称“大道公”、“吴真人”,为闽南地区、台湾、东南亚华人所信奉的医神。



Bao Sheng Da Di (Po Seng Tai Te in Hokkien) is the God of Medicine worshiped in Chinese folk religion and Taoism. He is very popular in Fujian, Taiwan and the Chinese communities in Southeast Asia.

Bao Sheng Da Di (Great Emperor of Life Protection), originally called Wu Tao(吴夲) or Wu Ben(吳本), was born in Fujian Province during the Song dynasty in 979. He was a skilled doctor and Taoist practitioner who was credited with performing medical miracles. He was worshiped as a deity after he died in 1036.

His birthday is celebrated on the fifteen day of the third lunar month.