清明节扫墓 Qing Ming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day

神明介绍 Deities & Gods


清明节是一个具有社会意义的节日。通过清明祭祖活动,除了能够缅怀祖先,弘扬孝道亲情、同时也唤醒家族共同记忆,促进家族成员的凝聚力和认同感。清明期间,华人家庭举家拜访祖先的坟墓或骨灰安置所,清理墓地并祭祀祖先。 供品通常包括传统的菜肴和水果,家属也会点香和蜡烛,并焚烧纸钱。

The Qing Ming festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is the traditional annual occasion for the Chinese to visit their ancestors' tombs. It can be literally translated as "Clear Brightness Festival" or the "Pure Brightness Festival". Qing Ming festival is one of the most important and popular Chinese festivals in Malaysia, second only to the Chinese Lunar New Year.

The Qing Ming festival serves many functions: to remember the ancestors, promote filial piety and family affection, awaken the common memory of the family, and promote the cohesion and sense of identity of family members. During Qing Ming, Chinese families will visit their ancestors' tombs or niches in columbaria to clean the gravesites and make ritual offerings to their ancestors. Offerings would typically include traditional food dishes and fruits. Joss sticks and candles would be lighted, and joss paper would be burnt as offerings.